Time travel is such a novel concept. So many different books, movies or TV shows have done their own version of time travel. There are so many different time periods that I would love to visit, if ever given the chance.
17th Century Massachusetts
The Salem Witch Trials is probably my favorite time in history. I've been obsessed with learning more about that time in history since I was a kid. I went to Salem for the first time when I was about ten, and since then I've felt drawn to Salem - I go there all the time for Halloween and throughout the year. I would love to go back to 17th Century Salem to learn more about why things happened the way they did, to answer the questions that people are constantly asking about that horribly dark time in history.
Also, the Mayflower. I love going to Plymouth, MA and just walking around near the waterfront. The old streets. I'd love to see what it was like when our ancestors first came over to this new world, although I'm not that religious so I don't think I'd fare to well in that regard.
5th - 6th Century Britain
I LOVE King Arthur (well Lancelot is my favorite), but my favorite adaption of King Arthur is the 2004 version of the movie starring Clive Ioan, Kiera Knightley and one my favorite actors - Ioan Gruffudd (as Lancelot, duh). A part of me believes that King Arthur was a real person that possibly existed during this time period, but over time people made him into this mythological person who did all these things to make it seem more fantastical than he was.
Ancient Greece
Greek and Roman mythology is so fascinating to me. I'd love to experience that time in history when the Greek and Roman gods were more prominent. I'd love to see the Parthenon as it was just being built or the first Olympic games.
Middle Ages
I love going to Medieval Times. It's my favorite thing to do in Chicago, New Jersey, and several other cities. As well as going to Renaissance Faires. Dressing up and looking/acting as if I'm part of that time in history is so much fun. I would love to experience the Middle Ages/Renaissance. Things were so different back then - no technology, no internet, so many different things.
Who knows what the future holds? No one does, at least that I know of. I think it would be interesting to travel to the future to see what has changed, to see what is the same from our stories of what the future is and what is completely different. Are there actual flying cars, do we live on a space station? Are we like the Jetson's? Who knows?
What time periods would YOU like to travel to?