Conventions are a way for fans to meet their heroes, their idols and make some amazing friends. Since 2007 I’ve done that, I’ve met actors who I watched on TV, who I dreamed about meeting since I was a kid, of actors who started my favorite TV shows who I now cannot take seriously because I’ve met them and their personality is so different than the characters they portray. I met some of my very best friends through these events.
Convention companies are supposed to be honest with people, supposed to be that middle man between you and a celebrity, but when a convention company lies and changes things based on whims and based on their own wants or needs, and does not communicate anything about said change, that hurts the fans and it ultimately hurts them.
My most recent convention, one for one of the book turned movie series that has always had a place in my heart - Twilight, was one that I not only worked at, and helped the company with planning and scheduling and so much more but was also excited to attend having not seen some of the actors or friends in years, but ever since the convention ended all I’ve heard is lies upon lies upon lies.
When you buy a ticket package at a convention it specifies what it comes with whether it be autographs, photo ops, special events or whatever else the convention company wants to offer in a bundle so that you save money. A perk if you will. Some offer autographs, some offer certain experiences, it all varies.
Sometimes, although very rarely, companies will change what’s included inside ticket package and not tell anybody. And that’s not OK.
One of the actors that was supposed to attend ForeverCon canceled, a couple months before. His autograph was included in the highest package (Vampire Crest), and people were told that he would be signing for people who bought that package or bought his ticket post event.
Come to find out the company removed his autograph from the package without telling anybody so that people who purposely bought the package for his autograph or were expecting an autograph post event would not be receiving one.
Celebrities cancel conventions all the time. Whether it’s because they’re filming or because they have a family emergency or they’re sick, things come up. We as fans understand that things come up, things happen. But typically, a convention company tries to find a replacement and if they can’t then you get a credit or refund for that person‘s autograph or photo op or whatever you had that was specific to that person. Or they compensate you in some way or form.
I myself have received pre-signed autographs either at the event or after the event from a celebrity who is supposed to attend but could not instead of taking the credit to use on something else. But when a convention company removes his ticket without telling anybody and doesn’t compensate you that’s just not right. Having to find out through contacting them and having them not make a post about it or saying that we change the package because of this is not acceptable and it’s not OK.
Also, when celebrities cancel conventions the convention company is *supposed* to announce it on social media or their website so that fans that are attending for that person or people, in some cases, can change their plans or just be aware. It’s common courtesy and it’s happened at every convention I’ve been to. They have always announced when a celebrity cancels.
That’s another place ForeverCon lacks. Two of the celebrities that were supposed to attend canceled the week of the event, one of them the day before he was supposed to be there. No posts were made, and people found out about the cancellation when they got to registration at the event. I’ve had celebrities cancel events I’ve been going to before, even the day before and always it’s posted on the website it’s posted on social media. Whether it makes a big deal or not it’s a common courtesy and it’s a convention thing you always post when there’s a change in the schedule or in talent appearing. It also slows down registration because you have to inform every person as they register and have them decide what they want to change on their ticket plan or from their purchases which can aggravate some.
Communication is a thing too. I mentioned this in my other blog post which I’ll link here, but after the event posts were made and my friend who also volunteered was told by people from the event that we would hear from them about certain things. Other than them posting on a friends Facebook post saying to contact them privately there was no communication made from the owners of the event to myself or the other volunteer who is no longer with them.
Also, companies are supposed to be professional at all times when on social media, or when communicating with people online. When one volunteer posted online on a friend’s review of the event, the owner of the event commented saying for said volunteer to contact her privately – doing so on a public post wasn’t the way to do it – but she had. With no reply. Via Facebook, via email, via text. No reply, before and after the post comments. I, myself have had no contact with ForeverCon since January 10th when I asked them to please resend digital photos to my friend who volunteered that she was supposed to receive as compensation. They also, very rudely, insulted and belittled said volunteer on social media.
Freedom of Speech. It’s a thing. When a friend posted a review on her personal Facebook page, I kind of mentioned it above, the owner of the event privately messaged her on Facebook, along with one of her friends, and another member of the event’s staff, and got very defensive. People are allowed to post whatever they want on their personal Facebook page. People are allowed to have an opinion. I personally feel that the way that situation was handled was very unprofessional.
I have attended over 40 conventions since 2007. I’ve worked just under 10 as a volunteer. I’ve never once felt like I was unappreciated or taken advantage of until this convention that I recently worked.
All in all, as a fan of conventions and someone who’s attended several conventions with different companies, I would not recommend attending ForeverCon, or any event Digital Volumes Productions puts on.
For a further review of the event as a volunteer standpoint and partially a fan standpoint you can read my earlier blog post “A Vacation of Discovery”