I’ve never been one for drama. Not in high school, not now. But for some reason I seem to attract it. Not so much at work, but in my happy place - conventions.
Conventions are how I met my very best friend and other amazing people.
Somehow, I don’t know how, I managed to become close with some of the actors from Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. I didn’t ask for it, but I am very glad for their friendships, even though I don’t always talk to them.
And that, being friends with someone or even not being friends with someone for that matter, is apparently a one-way ticket to being talked about, given dirty looks, and even threatened.
Heaven forbid someone have an opinion on some thing or not allow bitchy cliques to sway them to one side or another.
I don’t do cliques either. I have my circle of friends, and while it has grown and changed over the years it is small, and I am grateful to them, and glad they, unlike others have not treated me different because I chose not to be friends with someone or because I am friends with certain people.
I have been told even by former friends that I’ve done “certain” things to earn peoples friendship. I’ve been called a groupie way too many times to count. I don’t do anything to get anything from anyone.
Some people in the TVD fandom - and I’m sure other fandom‘s too - think that they can buy friendships and loyalty. That they are the most important fans in the fandom because they bought someone - even one of the stars something and had to post it to the timeline for everyone to see and comment on instead of just giving it to them and not posting it keeping it as a moment, a memory for themselves.
I have given people gifts whether it’s baked goods, or something I saw that reminded me of them or that I thought they’d like. I don’t post it because it’s a moment between me and that person. If I choose to tell anyone that is my business not anyone else’s.
These people are bullies, or snakes, for lack of better words. If you don’t take their side or kiss their ass (pardon my French) they turn on you. They make their friends turn on you and all of a sudden you’re treated like a pariah by the front people who were previously your friends.
They spy on you, your social media for anything they can use against you. My Facebook is private, unless you’re friends with me you can’t see everything. My twitter I had to go private last year for a bit because I have people spying on my tweets. I had to go through and delete and block people.
Even after that, they are someone I knew sent tweets, out of context mind you, to a convention company trying to get me kicked out of an event or banned.
I’ve been attending convention since 2007 and I’ve made so many friends, so many memories since then.
I never once felt threatened or unsafe. Until last year. Some of you know or were told what happened, some of you were there, and some of you don’t know.
I’m not rehashing it but these people poor person is still getting away with treating people like garbage and turning fans against each other.
Some are speaking out, not caring what anybody thinks, and some are too scared to say anything for fear that they’ll be to be put on a “hit list” in the fandom to say a word.
I used to be the latter. I didn’t want to confront them, to be for cast out. Now I really don’t care. Love me or hate me I am who I am and friends with who I choose to be.
I’m done being told that I’m making it up that my friends are spreading lies or making up stuff. I’m done hiding from someone I don’t give a damn about and I’m done being scared to attend events or go see my friends.
The fandoms are very toxic as of late. At least The Vampire Diaries one is. Ship you like, love a character, hate a character. Just don't post it online without fear of being attacked for not liking someone else's favorite character.
I've seen so many fans attack each other for what couple they ship or what character they like or dislike. I didn't realize that people weren't allowed to have an opinion.
I have no problem saying that I don't like a certain character (Damon, Elena) or ship (Steroline, Clamille) on The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. I have no problem saying that I have favorite characters (Klaus, Tyler, Jeremy, Matt, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah) and a favorite ship (tbh Klaroline is the only one I care about).
I don't understand why some fans feel the need to threaten people or harass other people who don't share their views. Get over it. It's a TV show. You're allowed to have an opinion. It might not be the same as someone else's, but that's fine. We don't have to agree about everything.